Your Life Is Still Worth Living: This Pain Won't Last Forever

It's OK to be at rock bottom. But don't give in to the lies. Your life isn't over. God has great things planned for you.

The most insidious thing about depression and hopelessness is the way they lie to you and then take away your means to prove them wrong. Depression breaks into your brain, rewires all the logic signals to send only static, and then whispers: "You're a failure, a burden. Give up. No one would miss you." And even though you'd usually know that those are lies, the logic sensors are on static, and little by little, you start to think depression's voice is the only one out there. But it's not. You are amazing. Even though you can't see it right now.

It's OK that you can't hear the deafening sound of how much your friends and family love you. That's depression's problem, not yours. It's not your fault that you can't see how many great things God has in store for you. Depression is hiding those possibilities. But just because you can't see the good things doesn't mean they're gone. Hopeful things are all around you just outside your field of view. Believe in them. Have faith in what you can't see. And then fight for the life that you'll find on the other side of this darkness. Go to treatment for depression. Reach out to your friends. There's too much beauty that you'd miss if your life ended now. You are valuable; you are loved; you are the one and only child of God who can fulfill his beautiful purpose for you. This isn't the end.

When Joseph's brothers threw him into an empty well, he hit literal rock bottom. He was stuck in the dark, surrounded by stone walls, and with people who wanted to kill him waiting at the top. He had every right to feel like his life was over, but he kept on living. Three more times, it looked like his life was over. He lost his freedom and was sent to a foreign country as a slave. He started to build the best life he could in his new country, but then he was framed for a crime and sent to jail. He won over the King's chief butler and got a promise that the King would hear his story, but the butler broke his word. Finally, Joseph realized that, for the fourth time in his life, he was trapped with no options and no way out. It was a time when most people would feel like giving up.

But Joseph kept on living. He couldn't see any way things could get better, and he didn't know how long he could hang on in a tiny jail for temporary prisoners. But he believed that there was a way out even though he could see it. And there was. In one night, through miracles Joseph had only ever dreamed about, he was pardoned, freed, and promoted to royalty. And because of Joseph's position of power, the children of Israel survived a terrible famine.

Because Joseph chose to live, the Israelites, God's chosen people, were saved from extinction. Think of the stories in the Bible – the blessings, the struggles, and the salvation that came to God's people through history. Most of those incredible adventures happened because one young man believed in something he couldn't see. Joseph's life meant more than he ever could have known.

Life is a gift. And even if you can't see the good right now, it's out there. You might be at rock bottom, but you can find your way back into the light. Reach out for treatment. Take it one step at a time. Fight for your life, and live to see the blessings God has for you. You're never alone.

When you feel like suicide is the only way, don't believe it. That's a lie depression tells.

When depression and hopelessness become overwhelming, sometimes suicide might seem like the only way to escape the pain. But don’t believe it. That’s a lie depression is telling you. You have other options, even though you may not be able to see them right now.

If you start to have thoughts that ending your life is the only choice for you, take a step back, and remind yourself of the truth: 

  • Understand that depression and hopelessness distort your perspective, keeping you from seeing all your options and preventing you from making good decisions.
  • Recognize that suicidal thoughts are the result of treatable conditions. You don’t have to feel this way forever.
  • Act as if there are better options out there than killing yourself, even though you may not be able to see them right now.
  • Know that suicidal thoughts don’t last forever. If you can delay the urge to die by suicide, it may lessen. And eventually, as you recover and start to see more clearly, your suicidal thoughts will lift.

How to get help right now

If you are in danger of hurting yourself or attempting suicide, don’t wait. Reach out for help right away. Here are places you can go for help:

  • Call the national suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255 in the US, or 1-833-456-4566 in Canada
  • Go to if you want to chat online
  • Contact your doctor or mental health professional
  • Reach out to a pastor, spiritual leader, or a safe person in your faith community
  • Talk to a trusted friend or someone you love
  • Call 911 or your local emergency number

How to manage suicidal thoughts

Thinking about suicide is not unusual. At least out of every five people will have suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives. However, the vast majority of people do not act on those thoughts.

Dying by suicide isn’t common, but it’s a risk you should take seriously, and if you are having thoughts of suicide, especially overwhelming urges to end your life, don’t ignore them.

Talk to your doctor or mental health professional about your suicidal thoughts so that he or she can help treat the underlying conditions that may be causing them. Your provider can also give you strategies to manage suicidal thoughts until they lessen. Follow the advice on the next page to make a personal safety plan, either with your therapist or with a trusted friend. Your safety plan will help you remember who to call in a suicidal crisis, guide you to make your environment safe and remind you of your reasons to stay alive. Seeking treatment is an essential part of dealing with suicidal thoughts. Your doctor or mental health professional will help you find the next steps to take. Therapy may stretch you, but it will get easier as you go along. The more you engage in healthy coping habits, the easier and more natural they will become. Recovery is work, though it is often not as hard as fighting suicidal thoughts all alone. And once you find the right strategy, feeling better will be worth it.